The COVID-19 pandemic is a great burden worldwide, but its impact on patients with genitourinary cancer (GUC) is poorly characterized. This study aimed to characterize the clinical features and evolution of GUC patients affected by COVID-19 in Spain. SOGUG-COVID-19 was an observational ambispective non-interventional study that recruited patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection who had been treated for GUC in 32 Spanish hospitals. Data were collected from patients' medical records in a short period of time, coinciding with the first waves of COVID-19, when the mortality was also higher in the general population. From November 2020 to April 2021, 408 patients were enrolled in the study. The median age was 70years, and 357 patients (87.5%) were male. Most frequent Cancer Origin was: prostate (40.7%), urothelial (31.4%) and kidney (22.1%). Most patients (71.3%) were diagnosed at the metastatic stage, and 33.3% had poorly differentiated histology. Anticancer treatment during the infection was reported in 58.3% of patients, and 21.3% had received immunotherapy prior to or concurrent with the infection. The most frequent COVID-19 symptoms were pyrexia (49.0%), cough (38.2%) and dyspnea (31.9%). Median age was higher for patients with pneumonia (p < 0.001), patchy infiltrates (p = 0.005), ICU admission (p < 0.001) and death (p < 0.001). Tumor stage was associated with complications (p = 0.006). The fatality rate was 19.9% and the 6-month COVID-19-specific survival rate was 79.7%. Patients with genitourinary cancers seem exceptionally vulnerable to COVID-19 regardless of tumor type or anticancer therapy. Age and tumor stage were the only identified risk factors for severe COVID-19.