Abstract Introduction Virilizing ovarian tumors are a rare cause of hyperandrogenism in women, account for less than 5% of all ovarian neoplasms. In most cases presents with increased serum testosterone levels and normal dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate levels. Ovarian thecoma is a rare, benign tumor of stromal cell origin which represents less than 1% of ovarian tumor. It occurs most often in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. Here we present a postmenopausal women presenting with hirsutism. Clinical Case A 53 year old female patient was referred to the endocrine outpatient clinic with the complaint of progressive hirsutism started after menopause in the last year. She had no special past medical history and medical history. She was in post-menopausal period for one year. She had androgenic alopecia and deepening voice. Her hemogram analysis, renal and liver function tests were in normal range. Hormonal analysis revealed a markedly increased serum testosterone level, 654 ng/dl, normal dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate levels. High testosterone levels were confirmed in repeated examinations. Transvaginal ultrasonography and examination were found to be normal. Magnetic Resonance Imaging was performed due to significantly high testosterone levels and 30x18 mm right ovarian mass was found compatible with thecoma. Patient was referred to gynecology for surgery. Conclusion Ovarian thecoma is a very rare tumor accounting about 1 % of solid ovarian tumors. The İncidence of this tumor is highest in pre and postmenopausal period. Thecomas are mostly benign and solid. During reproductive age, patient presents with hirsutism, acne, virilization findings. In postmenopausal period patient may present with mild virilization, post-menopausal bleeding and endometrial hyperplasia/cancer. Surgery is the primary treatment modality for virilizing thecoma.
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