The cochlear nucleus (CN) transforms the spike trains of spiral ganglion cells into a set of sensory representations that are essential for auditory discriminations and perception. These transformations require the coordinated activity of different classes of neurons that are embryologically derived from distinct sets of precursors. Decades of investigation have shown that the neurons of the CN are differentiated by their morphology, neurotransmitter receptors, ion channel expression and intrinsic excitability. In the present study we have used linear discriminant analysis (LDA) to perform an unbiased analysis of measures of the responses of CN neurons to current injections to objectively categorize cells on the basis of both morphology and physiology. Recordings were made from cells in brain slices from CBA/CaJ mice and a transgenic mouse line, NF107, crossed against the Ai32 line. For each cell, responses to current injections were analyzed for spike rate, spike shape, input resistance, resting membrane potential, membrane time constant, hyperpolarization-activated sag and time constant. Cells were filled with dye for morphological classification, and visually classified according to published accounts. The different morphological classes of cells were separated with the LDA. Ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN) bushy cells, planar multipolar (T-stellate) cells, and radiate multipolar (D-stellate) cells were in separate clusters and separate from all of the neurons from the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN). Within the DCN, the pyramidal cells and tuberculoventral cells were largely separated from a distinct cluster of cartwheel cells. principal axes, whereas VCN cells were in 3 clouds approximately orthogonal to this plane. VCN neurons from the two mouse strains overlapped but were slightly separated, indicating either a strain dependence or differences in slice preparation methods. We conclude that cochlear nucleus neurons can be objectively distinguished based on their intrinsic electrical properties, but such distinctions are still best aided by morphological identification.
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