The purpose of this study is to investigate and evaluate the exposure and maneuverability of this areas provided by an endoscope-assisted supraorbital approach and to compare that to a microscopic supraorbital approach. We exposed microscopically the optico-carotid and the infrachiasmatic windows after a supraorbital craniotomy executed using an eyebrow incision. We then proceeded to explore the retroinfundibular area using these two windows either using the microscope alone or using the endoscope-microscope combination where the microscope was used to (1) guide instrument and endoscope insertion into the surgical field, and (2) explore (with microscopic 3-d vision) subsegments of the endoscopic field of view. We compared the exposure and surgical maneuverability of the approach utilizing the microscopic mode alone with the endoscope-assisted mode. We evaluated the exposure and the surgical maneuverability of key anatomical structures of the retroinfundibular area. The structures evaluated included the diaphragma sellae, the dorsum sellae, the posterior clinoid process, the pituitary stalk, the mammillary bodies, the tuber cinereum, the oculomotor nerves, the basal pons, the upper trunk of the basilar artery, the superior cerebellar arteries, the posterior cerebral arteries, the posterior communicating arteries and the basilar bifurcation. The exposure and the surgical maneuverability were significantly higher in the endoscope-assisted mode (P < 0.0001). Based on our study, the endoscope-assisted supraorbital retroinfundibular approach is associated with larger exposure and maneuverability than the pure microscopic approach. Further clinical information is required to verify the results of this study.