The investigation of the probable cause of infertility is mandatory to propose an accurate therapeutic option to the infertile couple i.e. good chance of pregnancy. Usually, this investigation in woman includes at least hormonal dosages to estimate the ovarian function and reserve, a pelvic ultrasound scan and a hystero-salpingography to determine tubal patency. We introduce a unique investigation based on the realization of a high quality 3D ultrasound scan that involves the assessment of tubal patency. It is called Fertiliscan as opposed to the standard pelvic scan. The Fertiliscan assesses both the anatomy and the function of the uterus, the ovaries as well as the tubes. It includes a hystero-sonography for the analysis of the uterine cavity and with respect to tubal patency, a hysterosalpingo-foam-sonogography (Hyfosy). The investigation is woman-friendly, cheaper and shorter. It allows a fast track to a treatment if needed and shortens “time to pregnancy” for the couple.