Reinforcement learning (RL) is a popular method for solving the path planning problem of autonomous mobile robots in unknown environments. However, the primary difficulty faced by learning robots using the RL method is that they learn too slowly in obstacle-dense environments. To more efficiently solve the path planning problem of autonomous mobile robots in such environments, this paper presents a novel approach in which the robot’s learning process is divided into two phases. The first one is to accelerate the learning process for obtaining an optimal policy by developing the well-known Dyna-Q algorithm that trains the robot in learning actions for avoiding obstacles when following the vector direction. In this phase, the robot’s position is represented as a uniform grid. At each time step, the robot performs an action to move to one of its eight adjacent cells, so the path obtained from the optimal policy may be longer than the true shortest path. The second one is to train the robot in learning a collision-free smooth path for decreasing the number of the heading changes of the robot. The simulation results show that the proposed approach is efficient for the path planning problem of autonomous mobile robots in unknown environments with dense obstacles.
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