The troponin complex plays a central role in regulating the contraction and relaxation of striated muscles. Troponin-based thin filament regulation of muscle contraction emerged approximately 700 million years ago with largely conserved functions. Troponin I (TnI) is the inhibitory subunit of troponin and has evolved into three muscle type-specific isoforms in vertebrates. Cardiac TnI has an N-terminal extension that is specifically expressed in the adult heart, implicating a unique selection value. Cardiac TnI of higher vertebrate species contains beta-adrenergic regulated PKA phosphorylation sites in the N-terminal extension, which is a mechanism to enhance cardiac muscle relaxation and facilitate ventricular filling. Our data mining showed that the N-terminal extension of cardiac TnI first emerged in the genomes of early tetrapods as well as primordial lobe-finned fishes such as the coelacanth whereas it is absent in ray-finned fish. An intriguing finding is the lack of a transitional species that has an N-terminal extension in cardiac TnI without the PKA phosphorylation sites. This apparently rapid evolution of the beta-adrenergic regulation of cardiac function suggests a high selection value in the cardiac function of vertebrate animals on land. To understand the evolution and original function of the N-terminal extension in modulating cardiac muscle contractility, our study comparing the cardiac muscle of primitive lobe-finned fish with that of mammals and ray-finned fish investigates its role in cardiac adaptation to the increased energetic demands of life on land and significance in human health and the treatment of heart failure.