Members of the 3'-5' RNA polymerase family, comprised of tRNAHis guanylyltransferase (Thg1) and Thg1-like proteins (TLPs), catalyze templated synthesis of RNA in the reverse direction to all other known 5'-3' RNA and DNA polymerases. The discovery of enzymes capable of this reaction raised the possibility of exploiting 3'-5' polymerases for posttranscriptional incorporation of nucleotides to the 5'-end of nucleic acids without ligation, and instead by templated polymerase addition. To date, studies of these enzymes have focused on nucleotide addition to highly structured RNAs, such as tRNA and other noncoding RNAs. Consequently, general principles of RNA substrate recognition and nucleotide preferences that might enable broader application of 3'-5' polymerases have not been elucidated. Here, we investigated the feasibility of using Thg1 or TLPs for multiple nucleotide incorporation to the 5'-end of a short duplex RNA substrate, using a templating RNA oligonucleotide provided in trans to guide 5'-end addition of specific sequences. Using optimized assay conditions, we demonstrated a remarkable capacity of certain TLPs to accommodate short RNA substrate-template duplexes of varying lengths with significantly high affinity, resulting in the ability to incorporate a desired nucleotide sequence of up to eight bases to 5'-ends of the model RNA substrates in a template-dependent manner. This work has further advanced our goals to develop this atypical enzyme family as a versatile nucleic acid 5'-end labeling tool.
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