Few studies exist on hospital-based seroprevalence of triple positivity of HIV/HBV/HCV in Nigeria. The study aimed at determining the triple positivity of HIV, HBsAg and HCV among HIV-infected individuals in Abeokuta, Nigeria and defining the influence of these triple infections on CD4+ counts of HIV-infected individuals as antiretroviral therapy improves in Nigeria. Enumeration of CD4+ levels in 183 HIV-infected persons was done with Partec Flow Cytometer. Seropositivity of HBsAg and anti-HCV antibody was detected with rapid kits. From the result obtained, significance variance (p<0.05) existed between HIV positive persons and persons who tested positive to HIV/HBV/HCV triple infection before and after the commencement of HAART. Of these infections, 31(16.9%) had HBV/HCV/HIV triple infection, while 152(83.1%) had HIV mono infection only, 56(30.6%) had HBV/HIV dual infection only and 43(23.5%) had HCV/HIV dual infection only. Significant variance (p<0.05) also existed between subjects with CD4 counts of <200 cells/µl, 200-499 cells/µl and >500 cells/µl. Highest seroprevalence of HIV (35.0%) was found in age groups 35-44 years and >65 years had the least (2.7%). Significant variance (p<0.05) also existed in the progression of CD4+ lymphocytes cells between subjects with persistent decrease (32.3%) in CD4+ lymphocytes cells and those with fluctuation in their CD4+ lymphocytes cells (12.9%) after the commencement of ART. The study further confirms that triple positivity of HIV/HBV/HCV infection is common in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Testing of these triple infections should be a big concern in the best choice and commencement of ART. Also, the study showed that consistent and prolonged use of HAART had a positive impact on the CD4 count of HIV-infected individuals.
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