BackgroundTimely, precise, and localized surveillance of nonfatal events is needed to improve response and prevention of opioid-related problems in an evolving opioid crisis in the United States. Records of naloxone administration found in prehospital emergency medical services (EMS) data have helped estimate opioid overdose incidence, including nonhospital, field-treated cases. However, as naloxone is often used by EMS personnel in unconsciousness of unknown cause, attributing naloxone administration to opioid misuse and heroin use (OM) may misclassify events. Better methods are needed to identify OM.ObjectiveThis study aimed to develop and test a natural language processing method that would improve identification of potential OM from paramedic documentation.MethodsFirst, we searched Denver Health paramedic trip reports from August 2017 to April 2018 for keywords naloxone, heroin, and both combined, and we reviewed narratives of identified reports to determine whether they constituted true cases of OM. Then, we used this human classification as reference standard and trained 4 machine learning models (random forest, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machines, and L1-regularized logistic regression). We selected the algorithm that produced the highest area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) for model assessment. Finally, we compared positive predictive value (PPV) of the highest performing machine learning algorithm with PPV of searches of keywords naloxone, heroin, and combination of both in the binary classification of OM in unseen September 2018 data.ResultsIn total, 54,359 trip reports were filed from August 2017 to April 2018. Approximately 1.09% (594/54,359) indicated naloxone administration. Among trip reports with reviewer agreement regarding OM in the narrative, 57.6% (292/516) were considered to include information revealing OM. Approximately 1.63% (884/54,359) of all trip reports mentioned heroin in the narrative. Among trip reports with reviewer agreement, 95.5% (784/821) were considered to include information revealing OM. Combined results accounted for 2.39% (1298/54,359) of trip reports. Among trip reports with reviewer agreement, 77.79% (907/1166) were considered to include information consistent with OM. The reference standard used to train and test machine learning models included details of 1166 trip reports. L1-regularized logistic regression was the highest performing algorithm (AUC=0.94; 95% CI 0.91-0.97) in identifying OM. Tested on 5983 unseen reports from September 2018, the keyword naloxone inaccurately identified and underestimated probable OM trip report cases (63 cases; PPV=0.68). The keyword heroin yielded more cases with improved performance (129 cases; PPV=0.99). Combined keyword and L1-regularized logistic regression classifier further improved performance (146 cases; PPV=0.99).ConclusionsA machine learning application enhanced the effectiveness of finding OM among documented paramedic field responses. This approach to refining OM surveillance may lead to improved first-responder and public health responses toward prevention of overdoses and other opioid-related problems in US communities.
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