Dr. D. H. Matveev and engineer N. I. Pautkin. - "Mathematical definition of the approach to the antrum of the mastoid process." The outer surface of the temporal bone with the plane applied to it is always in contact at three points. One of the points lies on the zygomatic process, the other on the temporal line and the third on the most prominent part of the mastoid process. These points define a triangle called the temporal. The results of measurements of more than 50 bone preparations give the right to state the following position: the antrum of the mastoid process is in the direction of the perpendicular restored to the plane of the temporal triangle at the point of intersection of its bisectors. On the available preparations (including those with an unusual location of the antrum), the indicated perpendicular enters the temporal bone in the area of the spina suprameatum Henle and approaches the antrum. In addition, being guided by the found position, an operation was performed on 40 bones. In all cases (including those with an unusual location of the antrum), they inevitably fell into the antrum without any complications in terms of damage to adjacent parts. Based on the studies performed, the following conclusion can be made: 1. The proposed approach to the antrum using the temporal triangle is expedient due to its accuracy, safety in relation to complications and the shortest length of its path. 2. The found dependence of the location of the antrum on the external parts of the temporal bone makes it possible to navigate during antrotomy according to mathematical "data". 3. The mathematical definition of the approach to the antrum raises the question of the practical use of this definition in antrotomy. - Drs. BS Goland, BN Lebedevsky, NK Trutnev, SP Yakhontov took part in the debate and prof. V.K. Trutnev.