Complying with CQC standard 6 How do you ensure that you meet essential standard 6? Contact with all parties involved in the care of a resident begins at the referral stage. A thorough preadmission process takes place. An allocated member of the home’s staff speaks to the prospective residents and their next of kin. A corporate preadmission assessment document is used. At least a ‘show round’ visit is advocated, but trial visits are also encouraged. We request that the resident or representative sign a ‘consent to sharing of information’ document, thus abiding by the Data Protection Act. Existing assessments or support plans are obtained from the allocated social worker or care manager. Once a resident is admitted, appropriate records, such as care plans, are developed, then reviewed and evaluated at least monthly. Staff are advised to ensure resident and relative involvement and other professionals, such as GPs, district nurses, continence and tissue viability specialists and the care home support team, are consulted or invited to attend. A visit sheet is contained within the care plan and visiting professionals are encouraged to write their feedback on this form. There is also a detailed transfer form for movement around services. The home uses external records, such as local surgery or social service documentation, continence screening charts or ‘poor discharge’ feedback forms. Local Do Not Resuscitate and East Midlands Ambulance Service forms are used for end-of-life care, so all parties, such as out of hours GPs, are aware of a resident’s condition. The home has an up-to-date business continuity plan in place, with appropriate agencies listed and contact details of the health protection unit or the environmental health officer in the event of an outbreak.