Limb profiles from the six best Voyager images of Mimas have been used to determine the shape of the satellite. Correction of image distortions allows coordinates on the limbs to be located with an accuracy of approximately one-half picture element: about 0.5 km for the two best images and between 1 and 2 km for the other images. Ellipses fit to the limbs show that the shape of Mimas is well represented by a triaxial ellipsoid; it is the smallest satellite observed for which this is the case. The ratio of the differences of the axes, ( b − c)/( a − c), is 0.27 ± 0.04, indicating that the satellite is close to hydrostatic equilibrium. This is the first bservation of a satellite in the solar system with a triaxial equilibrium figure. Using the satellite mass determined by Kozai (Y. Kozai 1957, Ann. Tokyo Astron. Obs. 2nd Ser. 5, 73–106) from observations of the libration period and the libration amplitude of the Mimas-Tethys resonance, and a second-order theory for the ellipsoidal figure of equilibrium, we deduce that the satellite has a mean radius 〈 R〉 (after allowing for limb topography) of 198.8 ± 0.6 km and a mean density of 1.137 ± 0.018 g/cm 3 and that the difference between the long and short axes, a − c, is 16.9 ± 0.7 km. The expected value of a − c for a comparable, but homogeneous, satellite in hydrostatic equilibrium is 20.3 ± 0.3 km. We conclude that Mimas is probably differentiated. The satellite may have a rocky core of radius (0.44 ± 0.09) 〈 R〉, in which case the material outside the core probably has a mean density of 0.96 ± 0.08 g/cm 3, consistent with that of uncompressed, but moderately contaminated, water-ice. If the matrix of the mantle material is water-ice, then the silicate mass fraction of Mimas is 0.27 ± 0.04; Mimas is markedly deficient in rock. An alternative interpretation of our data is that the material of Mimas has a cosmic composition of ice and rock and is undifferentiated, but is highly porous down to a depth determined by the crushing strength of cold ice. However, this interpretation requires that the surface porosity of the satellite is very high, between 20 and 60%. Further conclusions depend on assumptions about the rheology of the mantle material and on the thermal history of the satellite. If the rheology of the mantle is determined by the properties of ice I, and the satellite does not have a deep, porous megaregolith and has not been heated since the time of its formation, then (a) it is likely that Mimas was formed close to its present orbital radius in a state of near, if not exact, resonance with Tethys and (b) it is unlikely that Mimas has been disrupted since the time of its formation. We consider, however, that it is more likely that either the thermal history of Mimas is complex and the satellite has been heated since the time of its formation, possibly due to tidal damping of its orbital eccentricity on temporary capture into resonance, or that the satellite does have a deep, porous megaregolith.
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