This paper presents research that was undertaken to determine whether planting deciduous trees, using intensive tree planting schemes, on vacant and underutilized urban land provides significant hydrologic benefits. This work contributes to an ongoing discussion on how to use vacant and underutilized land productively, and may be important to land use decision-makers, whose policies support the use of green infrastructure for stormwater management. Tree growth parameters for four monoculture planting schemes were modeled (all trees had a 50.8mm caliper at planting) and included (i) 450 Ginkgo biloba, (ii) 92 Platanus×acerifolia, (iii) 120 Acer saccharinum, and (iv) 434 Liquidambar styraciflua, on a 1.6-acre parcel. i-Tree Hydro (formerly UFORE-Hydro) was used to derive a simplified Microsoft Excel-based water balance model to quantify the canopy interception potential and evaporation, based on 7 years (2002–2008) of historical hourly rainfall and mean temperature data in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. This study revealed that three of the species responded similarly, while one species (L. styraciflua) performed significantly better with respect to total canopy storage potential and evaporation, capturing and evaporating 2.9m3/tree over the 7 years analyzed, or 1280m3 for the total tree stand of 434 trees. The analyses presented herein demonstrate that the tree canopy layer was able to intercept and evaporate approximately 6.5%–11% of the total rainfall that falls onto the crown across the 7 years studied, for the G. biloba, P.×acerifolia and A. saccharinum tree stands and 17%–27% for the L. styraciflua tree stand. This study revealed that the rate at which a species grows, the leaf area index of the species as it matures, and the total number of trees to be planted need to be determined to truly understand the behavior and potential benefits of different planting schemes; had the mature leaf area been used as the sole indicator of the stormwater attenuating potential for each species, the A. saccharinum would have been the selected species. Also, had attenuation and evaporation per unit of tree been the only measurement reported, the P.×acerifolia stand would have been deemed the best performing tree, attenuating and evaporating 8.1m3/tree. While the actual values presented herein may be uncertain because of a lack of locally-derived tree growth models, the approach described warrants further investigation.