Stunting is a condition of growth failure in children under five. The impact of stunting is impaired brain development, intelligence, impaired physical growth, and metabolic disorders in the body. The WHO estimates that there are 162 million short toddlers, if the trend continues without any attempted decline, it is projected to be 127 million. Stunting cases at the Kerkap Health Center are the highest in North Bengkulu Regency at 18.75%. Stunting toddlers in March 2018 were 68 toddlers (18.84%) and in June 2018 there were 45 toddlers (18.75). The implementation of the 1000 HPK program has been implemented but stunting cases are still high in the Kerkap Health Center Working Area. The purpose of this study was to determine the multifaceted determinants of stunting events in toddlers in the Kerkap Health Center Working Area, North Bengkulu Regency. This research method is quantitative with a cross sectional design. Veriabel This research is an indentent variable (Exclusive Breastfeeding, Environmental Sanitation, Utilization of Health Services, Hygiene / Hygiene Practices, History of Infectious Diseases, Culture and energy intake) and Depedenden Variable (Stunting Incidence). Data analysis is carried out in stages, namely univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between exclusive breastfeeding (p=0.002), Environmental Sanitation (p=0.008), hygiene hygiene practices (p=0.000), history of infectious diseases (p=0.000) and culture (p=0.001) with stunting in toddlers. There was no significant relationship between health services (p=1,000) and stunting in toddlers. The variables shown to be risk factors for stunting events are infectious diseases (OR=37.1:95%CI10,2-55.1), Hygiene success practices (OR=19.6:95%CI 3,7-43,2),Culture (OR=14.5:95%CI 2.6-39.9), Environmental Sanitation (OR=12.1:95%CI 2,2-37.4). This study concluded that the infectious disease variable is the most dominant risk factor for stunting in toddlers in the Puskesmas Kerkap Working Area, North Bengkulu Regency. Expect mothers who have toddlers. It is recommended for mothers under five to provide exclusive breastfeeding, improve access to environmental sanitation, PHBS, access to health information, and immediate treatment for toddlers who experience diarrhea and acute respiratory infections.
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