immunosuppression. Meshing the dermis allows a larger surface area to be grafted and allows simultaneous grafting with cultured keratinocytes. Unfortunately, the demand for cadaver skin greatly outstrips supply and there is a need for a connective tissue component (dermal substitute) that can be produced in the laboratory. Various techniques have been tried leading to the formation of a number of composite skin grafts or 'artificial skin substitutes'. Collagen gels contracted by incorporation of fibroblasts have had keratinocytes cultured on the surface to form a composite culture graft4 and a combination of bovine collagen and shark chondroitin-6sulphate has been overlaid with sheets of Silastic in an attempt to produce a stable skin substitute5. In fact, a number of complex culture systems exist, containing substrates of human, rat or bovine collagen some cross linked with glycoproteins and others containing fibroblasts. Unfortunately, many groups have reported poor handling with these systems6 and dermo-epidermal separation remains a problem. Certainly, at present, intact whole dermis appears to be the best substrate available. References 1 Rheinwald JG, Green H. Serial cultivation of strains of human keratinocytes: the formation in keratinising colonies from single cells. Cell 1975;6:331-44 2 Leigh IM, Navsaria H, Purkis PE, McKay I. Clinical Practice and Biological Effects of Keratinocyte Grafting. Ann Acad Med Singapore 1991;20(4):549-55 3 Leigh IM, Purkis PE, Navsaria H, Phillips TA. Treatment of chronic venous ulcers with sheets of cultured allogenic keratinocytes. Br J Dermatol 1987;117:591-7 4 Bell E, Sher S, Hull B, Merrill C, Rosen S, Chamsen A, et al. The reconstruction of living skin. J Invest Dermatol 1983;81:2s-lOs 5 Burke JF, Yannas IV, Quinby WC, Bondoc CC, Jung WK. Successful use of a physiologically acceptable artificial skin in the treatment of extensive burn injury. Ann Surg 1981; 194:413-28 6 Nanchahal J, Davies D. Cultured composite skin grafts for burns. BMJ 1990;301:1342-3
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