Abstract A stochastic modeling technique in a 2‐D discrete fracture network with two orthogonal sets of fractures has been developed to observe mass transport dispersion, and to investigate the scaling law related to the mean square displacement of particle travel time, with various percolation probabilities. A law with a fractal dimension for dispersion in the discrete fracture network is estimated by analyzing the random walk with percolation theory, and by using the particle tracking method. Emphasis is placed on understanding how fracture connectivity influences dispersion in flows through fractured networks. Simulation results show that the distribution of masses is skewed or multimodal due to the low interconnection of fractures, and has an approximately Gaussian distribution at the high level of interconnection. Dispersion in fractured media is affected by the connectivity of fractures. Based on percolation theory analysis, numerical results show that there exists a threshold for fracture interconn...
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