We present a graphical programming environment for parallel systems called TRAPPER ™. TRAPPER supports the development of industrial applications which require high computing power. The programming environment is based on the programming model of communicating sequential processes. TRAPPER contains tools for the design, mapping, visualization and optimization of parallel systems. The Designtool supports a hybrid program development, where the parallel process structure is described using a graphical representation and the sequential behavior is described using textual representations. The configuration of the target hardware and the mapping of the application onto the configured hardware is supported by the Configtool. During run-time, the monitoring system records software events like interprocess communication and measures the computation and communication loads of the underlying hardware. The run-time behavior of the software is animated by the Vistool, the load behavior of the hardware is displayed by the Perftool. The first target systems are transputer-based systems as well as workstation clusters and parallel supercomputers with the standard interfaces PVM, PARMACS or MPI.
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