Orbital floor (OF) fractures present a dilemma, with controversies surrounding surgical indication, approach, and ideal material for reconstruction. Our study was conducted on cases of (OF) fracture admitted to a tertiary referral centre. Cases of (OF) associated with zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) fracture were managed as follows: those with ophthalmological problems were subjected to endoscopically assisted transorbital reconstruction of the floor; cases without ophthalmological problems were subjected to reduction and fixation of the ZMC fracture only. The recently developed endoscopic endonasal transmaxillary approach was used to manage cases with pure OF fracture, while the same approach with added endoscopic transethmoidal reconstruction of the medial orbital wall (MOW) was applied to cases with associated MOW fracture. Outcome measurements were the correction of diplopia and enophthalmos, along with the restoration of normal globe function. The study included 80 patients, who were divided into four groups according to the proposed algorithm. OF reconstruction was performed in 32 cases with either septal cartilage (n = 4), titanium plate (n = 11), or porous polyethylene mesh (n = 17). Our study presents the novel role of minimally invasive endoscopic surgery in the management of (OF) fracture, together with a recently developed management plan that could maximize positive outcomes and decrease morbidity.
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