The traditional media are currently immersed in an accelerated structural change, driven by the irruption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which cause the emigration of their audiences towards other forms or modalities of reception and consumption. The appearance and popularization of the so-called social networks in the framework (ICT) brings with it a set of challenges for traditional radios. Consequently, the objective of the research consisted of describing some political challenges of the radio in the scenario of the digital revolution, as a condition of possibility to stop its extension as mass media. To achieve the proposed objective, the phenomenological and hermeneutical methodology was used with a predominance of documentary sources in digital format, which were analyzed and discussed to draw up the conclusions of the study. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the Ecuadorian state does not establish the necessary political guidelines to carry out a systematized and orderly transition from analog to digital broadcasting, which implies a technological backwardness in terms of ICT in the country.