Transformations of metal species (particularly Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, Zn) in ageing humic hydrocolloids were studied, applying a competitive ligand and metal exchange approach. For this purpose, metal-containing hydrocolloids, freshly collected from humic-rich German bog lake waters (Hohlohsee (HO), Black Forest; Venner Moor (VM), Muensterland; Arnsberger Wald (AW), Northrhine-Westfalia) and conventionally pre-filtered through 0.45 microm membranes, were subjected on-site to an exchange with EDTA and Cu(II) ions, respectively, as a function of time. EDTA complexes gradually formed, metal fractions exchanged by Cu(II) (as well as free Cu(II) concentrations) were operationally discriminated by means of a small time-controlled tangential-flow ultrafiltration unit (nominal cutoff: 1 kDa). Metal and DOM (dissolved organic matter) fractions obtained this way were determined off-site using instrumental methods (AAS, ICP-OES, carbon analyzer). After weeks of storage, the collected hydrocolloids were studied again by this approach. The EDTA availability of colloid-bound metals (particularly Al and Fe) exhibited different ageing trends, dependent on the sample (VM: decrease of Fe availability (98-76%), HO: increase of Fe availability (76-82%)). In contrast, the Cu(II) exchange equilibria of colloid-bound metals revealed merely low availability of Al (16-38%) and Fe (5-11%) towards Cu(II) ions, also dependent on ageing effects. In particular, the conditional copper exchange constants Kex obtained from the exchange between Cu(II) ions and available metal species (such as Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn) exhibited a strong decrease (by a factor of 2-100) during sample storage, indicating considerable non-equilibria complexation of these metal ions in the original bogwaters studied on-site.
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