Introduction: Introduction: The HEC-HMS model was applied in the transboundary basin of the Zarumilla River (Ecuador – Peru) to simulate the flows that would occur during maximum precipitation events. Methodology: The model integrated the precipitation determined by intensity equations, the infiltration defined by the curve number, the rain - runoff transformation by unit hydrographs, the hydrological routing calculated by applying Muskingum - Cunge and was calibrated by a frequency analysis using the hydrometric information available. Results: The model was executed satisfactorily and the resulting maximum flows at the outlet of the basin varied between 1.100 m3/s and 1.670 m3/s depending on the return period. A land use scenario for the year 2027 was generated using information from 2014 and 2017 that was evaluated with the model. Discussion: The transitions with the largest area of influence observed were pasture to crop, forest to crop and crop to pasture. Other classifications do not present a significant change. Conclusions: The flows calculated with the coverage of the generated scenario are lower than those calculated for 2017, due to the expansion of crops, which are mostly fruit crops. Despite this, the variation in flow rates was not very significant.
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