in the form of 4- to 6-m-long ovoid-shaped oocysts, with a double wall that is resistant to most oxidation As a result of Cryptosporidium parvum in drinking water, several processes such as ozonation and chlorination (Current, outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis have occurred in the last 10 yr. Al1986; Atwill et al., 1997). though it is generally believed that movement of pathogens through the soil is minimal, recent research has shown that appreciable num- During the past two decades, the presence of C. parbers of C. parvum oocysts may be transported via preferential or vum in surface- and groundwaters in the United States fingered flow to groundwater. The objective of the present research and Great Britain (Galbraith et al., 1987; Rose et al., was to further investigate and model the transport of oocysts through 1991; Craun et al., 1998) has been associated with several preferential flow paths in the vadose zone under a “worst-case” sce- major outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis (Hayes et al., 1989; nario. This was studied by adding calves feces containing C. parvum MacKenzie et al., 1994). Among the different pathways oocysts with a Cl tracer to undisturbed silt loam columns and disfor the transport of oocysts to drinking water sources, turbed sand columns during a simulated steady-state rain. The sand columns exhibited preferential flow in the form of fingers whereas downward percolation is usually considered to be insigmacropore flow occurred in the undisturbed cores. In the columns nificant, because soils are generally assumed to be an with fingered flow, oocysts and Cl were transported rapidly with the effective filter for a wide range of pathogens. Studies same velocity through the columns. Although only 14 to 86% of the of packed columns with saturated flow by Brush et al. amount applied, the number of oocysts transported across the columns (1999) and Harter et al. (2000) and undisturbed columns was several orders of magnitude above an infective dose. The macwith unsaturated flow (Mawdsley et al., 1996), however, ropore columns had only a very limited breakthrough of oocysts, showed that C. parvum oocysts could be transported which appeared several pore volumes after the Cl broke through initially. A simulation model for the transport of oocysts via preferen- rapidly downward through the soil. Although transport tial flow was developed on the basis of an existing preferential flow of C. parvum oocysts in saturated flow has been studied model for nonadsorbing solutes, with addition of a first-order sink experimentally and described mathematically (Brush et term for adsorbance of the C. parvum to the air–water–solid (AWS) al., 1999; Harter et al., 2000), detailed observations of interfaces, and with velocity and dispersivity parameters derived from the transport and persistence of C. parvum oocysts in Cl transport. The breakthrough of C. parvum oocysts could be de- unsaturated soils with preferential flow are still lacking, scribed realistically for the sand columns. However, the model could particularly in the presence of preferential flow pronot describe oocyst transport in the columns with macropores. cesses.
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