In the Institute of cytology and genetics (Novosibirsk) for over 85 generations takes place a selection of grey rats for high aggression toward humans (aggressive rats) or its complete absence (tame rats). Aggressive rats are an interesting model to study fear-induced aggression. Benzopentathiepin TC-2153 exerts an antiaggressive effect on aggressive rats and affects serotonergic system – an important regulator of aggression. The aim of this study was to investigate the TC-2153 effect on key serotonergic system enzymes – tryptophan hydroxylaze 2 (TPH2) and monoamine oxydase A (MAOA) – in the brain of aggressive and tame rats. TC-2153 (10 or 20 mg/kg) or vehicle were administered once i.p. to male aggressive and tame rats. TPH2 and MAOA enzymatic activity, mRNA and protein levels were assessed. Selection for high aggression level resulted in elevated Tph2 mRNA levels in the midbrain, TPH2 protein in hippocampus and TPH2 and MAOA proteins in hypothalamus. MAO activity was higher in the midbrain and hippocampus of aggressive rats while TPH2 activity did not differ between the strains. Single TC-2153 administration decreased TPH2 and MAO activity in hypothalamus and midbrain respectively. The drug acted upon MAOA protein levels in hypothalamus: elevated that of aggressive rats and decreased in the tame ones. Thus, this study shows profound differences in the expression and activity of the key serotonergic system enzymes in the brain of rats selectively bred for highly aggressive behavior toward humans and its absence, and effects of benzopentathiepin TC-2153 on these enzymes may point to the mechanisms of its antiaggressive action.
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