The aim of this research project is to develop a Tour Guide Robot showing sufficient intelligence to work as a tourguide in different environments. In doing so, both a software and a hardware architecture are proposed, the different modules of which, such as a sensor, speaker, amplifier, motor(dc), and display, among others, control the different components of the robot. Those components are in turn used by other modules designed for navigation and interaction. A sensor fusion for the purposes of localization is implemented by means of an Arduino Uno Board, which is one of the control module components, together with the other sensors needed for path following. A speaker and amplifier system that controls the voice modules also forms part of this architecture for assisting interaction. Finally, all the modules are controlled with an Arduino Uno Board and programming language. The modules are optimized for immediate execution to achieve navigation and human–machine interaction. The interaction with visitors will be achieve through video display on an android tablet placed on top of the robot. The tour guide robot will display the video about the place it visits when the visitors press the video play button on the android tablet screen.
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