Seawater intrusion (SWI) is a natural phenomenon that negatively impacts the potability of groundwater and is expected to worsen with rising sea levels due to climate change. Artificial recharge of freshwater is a commonly-used remediation method to mitigate SWI and improve freshwater supply security in affected coastal aquifers. However, limited freshwater availability can limit the effectiveness of this approach. This study proposes a novel mitigation measure, called Inj-GCW, which combines the injection of reclaimed water with the use of groundwater circulation wells (GCW) to enhance the effectiveness of artificial recharge in controlling SWI. GCW is a dual-screened well with isolated screens that extract and inject groundwater into the aquifer. The performance of the proposed measure was quantitatively evaluated using an illustrative simplified unconfined coastal aquifer. Based on the findings, the design parameters were estimated for a field-scale case study of the Nile Delta aquifer (NDA), a large Mediterranean coastal aquifer in Egypt. The study adopts a future scenario that considers Sea-level rise due to climate change and projected population growth by 2100. Results demonstrate that introducing of GCWs into the saltwater wedge, along with injection, effectively retreated the saltwater wedge, due to enhanced velocity, seaward fluxes, and dilution of contamination. Inj-GCW measure led to an 8.9% reduction in SWI and a 5.2% decrease in aquifer salinity compared to the expected intrusion in 2100. Furthermore, the Inj-GCW measure resulted in a 2.2% higher repulsion rate and 0.3% reduction in total salt mass compared to injection alone. The Inj-GCW measure presents a promising solution to SWI challenges in the NDA and other coastal aquifers facing similar issues. The formation of a brackish water bubble at the injection well screen of the GCW and the generated vertical groundwater circulation cells acted as a hydraulic barrier and contributed to the proposed method effectiveness.
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