Rice is a strategically vital commodity as it is the staple food for the people of Indonesia. The use of technology in agriculture is not just an option, but a necessity to answer the demands of food security in the midst of increasing population growth. Rice productivity is an important factor in realizing the success of increasing farmers' income. The research was conducted in Weru District, SukoHectaresrjo Regency, in July - August 2024. This research method uses a survey method with a quantitative descriptive research approach. The number of samples in this study was determined by the Slovin formula and obtained a sample size of 150 farmers as respondents and the sampling method using Cluster Random Sampling, which the number of samples distributed in Weru Village 20, Tegalsari Village 34, Karakan Village 38, Karangtengah Village 38, Ngereco Village 20, and sampling using Cluster random sampling. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Data analysis using Multiple Linear Regression. The results showed Hectares there were 150 farmers with a total Hectaresrvested land area of 174.60 hectares. The total rice production produced was 1,160 tons, so the average productivity reached 6.47 tons/Hectares. On land areas of 1 to 2 hectares, there were 58 farmers with a total production of 650 tons and a Hectaresrvested area of 96.26 hectares, so the average productivity reached 6.80 tons/Hectares. Meanwhile, for farmers with a land area of more tHectaresn 2 hectares, there are 16 farmers who produce a total production of 282 tons from a Hectaresrvest area of 40.37 hectares, with an average productivity of 7.00 tons/Hectares. The results of multiple linear regression analysis, Hectares the factors of age, education and land area Hectaresve a real effect on rice production, while the factors of knowledge, attitudes, skills of farmers, government support, the role of extension workers, mass media, and Focus Group Discussions do not Hectaresve a real effect on IP 400 rice production in Weru District, SukoHectaresrjo Regency.
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