Patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis often experience intestinal failure throughout the course of their disease, and total parenteral nutrition (TPN) can be used as a temporary solution or as a bridge to definitive cytoreductive surgery. Guidelines for TPN are well established for inpatients and in 2014, guidelines were established for the initiation of TPN for outpatients in a home setting. However, the safety and efficacy of home start TPN in advanced oncology patients remain unknown. This study aims to explore the safety and efficacy of starting TPN in the home setting for patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis. Health records of advanced cancer patients receiving TPN during 2009-2020 were retrospectively reviewed. Data pertaining to diagnosis, demographics, nutritional parameters, and outcomes including hospital readmission rates were collected. Safety was measured based on catheter-related complications and hospital admissions related to electrolyte or fluid imbalance due to TPN. Efficacy was determined by weight gain/stability and pre-albumin and albumin levels. The Fisher's exact and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to analyze the data. Seventy TPN patients were identified, of which forty-two were home start (HS) and twenty-eight were in hospital (HP). The two groups were not significantly different in age, (HS: mean = 58.3 ± 13.9; HP: mean = 58.0 ± 13; p = 0.95), baseline body weight (p = 0.13), baseline albumin (p = 0.26) or pre-albumin (p = 0.48). At the end of treatment, the HS and HP groups had similar percentages of patients experiencing weight gain/stability (75% vs. 47%, p = 0.1), stable/increased pre-albumin (68% vs. 65%, p = 1), and stable/increased albumin levels (48% vs. 59%, p = 0.58). There was no difference in observed readmission between the groups (p = 0.79). At the end of treatment, 48% of the HS group and 36% of the HP group resumed an oral diet. This is the first study to present a comparison between home and hospital start TPN in advanced cancer patients, demonstrating that the initiation of outpatient TPN in the home setting is as safe and efficacious as TPN initiated in the hospital.
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