The total-count method was demonstrated to be useful for accurate measurement of the flow in turbulent natural streams over a range of 5–1000 ft 3/sec. Duplicate measurements are reproducible to 1 per cent, and the absolute accuracy is within 5 per cent. The distance along the stream from where the tracer is added to where it is counted must be great enough to allow complete transverse mixing of the tracer. On the other hand, it should not be so great that longitudinal dispersion spreads the tracer over a time too long for convenient measurement. There is a considerable lattitude between these limits where the highest accuracy can be attained. Within these limits, gold-198 persists in the stream with losses too small to affect the accuracy. One man, unassisted, can measure the flow rate of a stream in one or two hours. The longitudinal dispersion of a tracer wave can be represented roughly by a Gaussian error function over a small segment of a stream. The mixing coefficient D varies with the dimensions and contour of the stream bed. Values from 80–270 ft 2/sec were found for adjacent segments of the same stream. A rough correlation of D with the size and velocity of the stream was found: D ≅ 2.5 (Qv) 1 2 . Based on this, a formula was derived for the distance required for complete transverse mixing in a turbulent stream: L min = aQ 1 3 . If L is expressed in feet and Q in ft 3/sec, the value of a is about 200 when the tracer is added at one edge, and about 50 when it is added in mid-stream. Дoкaзывaeтcя, xтo мeтoд пoлнoгo oтcxeтa пpимeним для тoxнoгo пзмepeния тexeния в тypбyлeнтныч ecтecтвeнныч пoтoкaч для жнaxeний пocлeднич, пpocтиpaющичcя oт 0,1 дo 30 м 3/ceк. Пoвтopныe измepeния мoгyт coвepшaтьcя c 1% oтклoнeниeм a aбcoлютнaя тoxиocть лeжнт в пpeдeлe 5%. Paccтoяниe вдoль пoтoкa, oт мecтa гдe paдиoaктивньй индикaтop клaдeтcя дo мecтa, гдe oн пoдcxитывaeтcя, дoлжнo быть дocтaтoxным, xтoбы oбecпexить пoлнoe пoпepexнoe пepeмeшивaниe paдиoaктивнoгo индикaтopa. C дpyгoй cтopoны, oнo нe дoлжнo выть нacтoлькo вeликo, xтo пpoдoльнaя диcпepcия pacпpocтpaнялa бы paдиoaктивньй индикaтop в тexeнии cлишкoм дoлгoгo вpeмeни для yдoвлeтвopитeльнoгo измepeния. Пpeдeлы, мeждy кoтopыми мoжнo дocтиxь нaивыcшeй тoxнocти, шиpoкo oтcтoят дpyг oт дpyгa. B этич пpeдeлaч, эoлoтo-198 ocтaeтcя в тoтoкe, a пoтepи cлишкoм нeзaxитeльны для тoгo, xтoбы пoвлиять нa тoxнocть. Oдин xeлoвeк, бeз вcякoй пocтopoннeй пoмoщи, мoжeт измepить cкopocтв тexeния peки зa oдин или дбa xaca. Пpoдoльнaя диcпepcия вoлны paдиoaктивнoгo индикaтopa мoжeт быть пpиблизитeльнo пpeдcтaвлeнa Гayccoвcкoй фyнкциeй пoгpeшнocти нa мaлый oбъeм тexeния. Кoэфициeнт пepeмeшивaния D мeняeтcя c paзмepaми и кoнтypoм pexнoгo днa. Для cмeжныч oбъeмoв тoгo жe пoтoкa нaйдeны знaxeния oт 7 дo 25 м 2/ceк. Уcтaнoвлeнa пpиблизитeльнaя кoppeляция для D в зaвиcимocти oт вeлиxины и cкopocти пoтoкa: D ⋟ 2.5 (Qv) 1 2 . Ha этoм ocнoвaнии былa выpaбoтaнa фopмaлa дopмлa дaющaя paccтoяниe нeoбчoдимoe для пoлнoгo пoпepexнoгo пepeмeшивaния в тypбyлeнтнoм пoтoкe: L min = aQ 1 3 . Ecли L выpaжaeтcя в м aQ в м 3/ceк., тo знaxeниe a вyдeт paвнятьcя пpиблизитeльнo 200 кoгдa paдиoaктивный индикaтop клдeтcя c oднoгo бopeгa, и пpиблизитeльнo 50, кoдa oн клaдeтcя c cepeдины пoтoкa.