The Brieskorn manifolds $B(p,q,r)$ are the $r$-fold cyclic coverings of the 3-sphere $S^{3}$ branched over the torus knot $T(p,q)$. The generalised Sieradski groups $S(m,p,q)$ are groups with $m$-cyclic pre\-sen\-tation $G_{m}(w)$, where defining word $w$ has a special form, depending of $p$ and $q$. In particular, $S(m,3,2) = G_{m}(w)$ is the group with $m$ generators $x_{1}, \ldots, x_{m}$ and $m$ defining relations $w(x_{i}, x_{i+1}, x_{i+2})=1$, where $w(x_{i}, x_{i+1}, x_{i+2}) = x_{i} x_{i+2} x_{i+1}^{-1}$. Presentations of $S(2n,3,2)$ in a certain form $G_{n}(w)$ were investigated by Howie and Williams. They proved that the $n$-cyclic presentations are geometric, i.e., correspond to the spines of closed orientable 3-manifolds. We establish an analogous result for the groups $S(2n,5,2)$. It is shown that in both cases the manifolds are $n$-fold cyclic branched coverings of lens spaces. To classify some of constructed manifolds we used the Matveev's computer program "Recognizer".