In this paper we present an a-posteriori KAM theorem for the existence of an (n−d)-parameter family of d-dimensional isotropic invariant tori with Diophantine frequency vector ω∈Rd, of type (γ,τ), for n degrees of freedom Hamiltonian systems with (n−d) independent first integrals in involution. If the first integrals induce a Hamiltonian action of the (n−d)-dimensional torus, then we can produce n-dimensional Lagrangian tori with frequency vector of the form (ω,ωp), with ωp∈Rn−d. In the light of the parameterization method, we design a (modified) quasi-Newton method for the invariance equation of the parameterization of the torus, whose proof of convergence from an initial approximation, and under appropriate non-degeneracy conditions, is the object of this paper. We present the results in the analytic category, so the initial torus is real-analytic in a certain complex strip of width ρ, and the corresponding error in the functional equation is ɛ. We heavily use geometric properties and the so called automatic reducibility to deal directly with the functional equation and get convergence if γ−2ρ−2τ−1ɛ is small enough, in contrast with most of KAM results based on the parameterization method, that get convergence if γ−4ρ−4τɛ is small enough. The approach is suitable to perform computer assisted proofs.