This study was carried out to explore the economic and marketing dynamics of tomatoes and to highlight constraints confronted by cultivators in the production and marketing of tomato crop under polyhouse farming within three districts (Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur) of Kathmandu valley of Nepal. A pre-tested interview schedule was employed to survey 174 randomly selected respondents from different levels of marketing functionaries of tomato value chain. The overall cost (Cost C3) of tomato production under poly-house was observed highest in Kathmandu district (NRs. 1893130.63 per hectare) followed by Bhaktapur and Lalitpur which was found NRs. 1787896.50 and NRs. 1672117.91 per hectare, respectively. In terms of total production in kg per hectare, Kathmandu averages 79091.78, Lalitpur stands at 62267.78 and Bhaktapur records 64941.10. The B-C ratio was found to be 2.82 of Kathmandu, 2.32 of Lalitpur, 2.49 of Bhaktapur. Marketing efficiency of channel I, II, III and IV of Kathmandu district was found 708.5, 2.46, 1.90 and 1.62, respectively for Lalitpur, it was found 685.5, 2.23, 1.69 and 1.41 and for Bhaktapur the marketing efficiency was found 749, 2.12, 1.53 and 1.31 for respective channels. Construction material not being timely available was found to be major constraint faced by farmers in construction of polyhouse with a mean score of 66.2 and high infestation of disease and pest was found to be most significant problemstated by cultivators in production and marketing of polyhouse tomatoes followed by low quality of seed, fluctuation in market price which was the other constraints faced by cultivators.. KEYWORDS :Tomato, Polyhouse, Cost concept, B-C ratio, Marketing cost, Marketing margin, Marketing efficiency.
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