In Computational Electromagnetics, iterative techniques for solving algebraic linear system of equations are of fundamental importance, since actual problems give rise to linear systems too large to be practically solved by direct methods. In this work we investigate as performances of the major Krylov subspace iterative solver (i.e., GMRES), is afiected by difierent choice of these set of functions. Speciflcally, we consider the algebraic linear system of equations obtained by reducing the electrical fleld integral equation (EFIE) from the TMz scattering of a plane wave by a metallic strip. It can be observed that exists a critical threshold ¢0 such that, whenever either the basis or the weight pulses are given with an amplitude greater than ¢0, then the total number of internal loops necessary for taking the relative residual under a deflnite tolerance † > 0 increases all of a sudden, in such a dramatic way that it can even prevent the process at all from convergence. We try to explain this numerical behavior by inquiring the relationship between the MoM matrix condition number and the number of overall iterations necessary to numerical convergence. 1. INTRODUCTION It is not easy to give a comprehensive treatment of so many issues involved by analytical and numerical methods in the fleld of Computational Electromagnetics, and speciflcally by the method of moments, for solving integral equations relevant to electromagnetic theory. These include a very large amount of mathematical elements and capabilities, ranging from numerical integration and difierentiation to the feasibility of converting operator equations to a discrete system of algebraic equations, from the choice of suitable sets of basis and weight functions to a deep knowledge of linear algebra, matrix manipulations, algorithms and actual implementations of iterative and direct solvers and so on going (1). The lack of analytical solutions provides a further item of di-culty when trying in formal terms to expound mathematical clues intended to be potentially notable from a practical point of view. Thus it is common to consider simple (i.e., typically scalar) problems for preliminary tests and then to extrapolate general ideas to be applied to more complex cases. In fact, this is the approach we follow in the present paper, where we deal with the scalar problem of computing the current density induced on the surface of an ideal metallic strip when struck by a planar wave of a given wavelength ‚ which is supposed to be small or large with respect to the width 2w of the strip section. A harmonic time variation exp(i!t) is assumed and suppressed throughout. The problem serves as an useful and somehow simple example in electromagnetics for tackling basic concepts and discussing practical issues for numerical methods. Speciflcally, we investigate and try to characterize the behavior of iterative techniques for solving algebraic linear system of equations. Nowadays these are of basic importance, since actual problems give rise to linear systems that are too large to be practically solved by direct methods. There exists much study regarding the numerical aspects of such subjects, but it's not clear at all how the e-ciency of iterative solvers are conditioned by the choosing of the basis and weighting functions in the Moment Method (MM) (2,3). In this sense, we study as performances of the Generalized Minimun Residual (GMRES) Krylov iterative solver (4) is afiected by difierent choice of these set of functions. 2. A WIDTH-VARYING PULSE-PULSE MOMENT METHOD SCHEME An implementation of the moment method exploiting width-varying rectangular pulses for both the basis and the weight sets of functions is adopted for solving the EFIE
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