This work presents an illustrative application of the newly developed “Second-Order Features Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (2nd-FASAM-NODE)” methodology to determine most efficiently the exact expressions of the first- and second-order sensitivities of NODE decoder responses to the neural net’s underlying parameters (weights and initial conditions). The application of the 2nd-FASAM-NODE methodology will be illustrated using the Nordheim–Fuchs phenomenological model for reactor safety, which describes a short-time self-limiting power transient in a nuclear reactor system having a negative temperature coefficient in which a large amount of reactivity is suddenly inserted. The representative model responses that will be analyzed in this work include the model’s time-dependent total energy released, neutron flux, temperature and thermal conductivity. The 2nd-FASAM-NODE methodology yields the exact expressions of the first-order sensitivities of these decoder responses with respect to the underlying uncertain model parameters and initial conditions, requiring just a single large-scale computation per response. Furthermore, the 2nd-FASAM-NODE methodology yields the exact expressions of the second-order sensitivities of a model response requiring as few large-scale computations as there are features/functions of model parameters, thereby demonstrating its unsurpassed efficiency for performing sensitivity analysis of NODE nets.
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