The world is changing and it seems only “change is constant in this world” though Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, foreseen that we have to adapt to changes to survive but the magnitude and the pace of changes were not in his wildest dreams may be. We live in a VUCA world now – in an environment of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus, 1987), and this acronym VUCA is used in the US Army War College, Harvard, Forbes, and so on. Leadership in a VUCA world has books and articles published that emphasis adapt or die. On the other hand, it is leadership that is one of the most significant factors that gives companies competitive advantage. Competitive Advantages are achieved through judicious use of resources and capabilities, and a leader is the one who makes call on use of a company’s core competence. Strategic decisions are made at top tier levels as vision and disseminated to all tiers of leaders – middle to lower echelons and broken into goals, objectives, and tasks. From vision to missions to goals to objectives and tasks the orchestration and synchronization’s require leaders at all levels to be effective.