C22H2606, Mr= 386.4, monoclinic, P2~/c, a= 13.021 (4), b= 11.044 (2), c= 14.036 (9)A, fl = 102.53 (4) °, V= 1970.4 A 3, z = 4, D x = 1.30g cm -3, 2(Mo Ka) = 0.71073 A, #= 0.56 cm -~, F(G00) = 824, T= 293 K, final R = 0.054 for 1576 observed (F o > 5a(Fo)) reflections. There is no crys- taUographically imposed symmetry. The title com- pound is prepared by manganese(liD acetate oxidative dimerization of two molecules of 2,4,5-trimethoxy- styrene. Introduction. During the course of our investigations on manganese(III) acetate mediated ring annulative approaches to the antineoplastic podophyUotoxins (Peterson, Do, Winter & Surjasasmita, 1988; Peterson, Do & Surjasasmita, 1988), an unusual oxidation product was obtained when the alkene component of the annulation reaction was 2,4,5-trimethoxystyrene. The single electron transfer oxidation (SETO) of electron-rich alkenes by manganese(III) recently had been reported by one of us to provide 1,2-diacetates, 1,2-hydroxyacetates, and their oxidation products (Fristad, Peterson, Ernst & Urbi, 1986). 2,4,5-Tri- methoxystyrene was found to react by an entirely different pathway, however. Only products resulting from oxidative dimerization of this substrate, 5,7,8- trimethoxy-l-(2,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-l,2-dihydro- naphthalene and some of the corresponding naphth- alene, were obtained in the presence of manganese(III) acetate. This result was particularly surprising in view of the possibility for solvolysis of radical-cation intermediates in acetic acid. We wish to describe in this paper the X-ray crystal structure determination, syn- thesis, and spectral characterization of the title com- pound.
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