System on chip development requires many different devices to be integrated on the same chip and a high compatibility between CMOS logic core process and added modules. The self-aligned silicide process coming from high performance logic gives in a Flash memory array several opportunities: to take advantage of low word-line resistance, to eliminate any metal strap in the array reducing potential process defectivity thus improving devices yield. On the other hand, the salicidation of Flash memory requires at the same time to achieve a continuous low resistance line on the no-flat array topography (due to the double poly stacked gate memory cell structure) and to avoid any junction leakage risk, that might modify the device performances. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the feasibility and compatibility of advanced Ti salicide process with Flash memory array embedded in a high performance logic. The feasibility has been proven on a classical NOR 4 Mbit stand-alone memory test chip processed in 0.25 μm technology, that furthermore asks for borderless contacts.