ABSTRACT To the Editor: —I have been requested by Dr. H. Braun of Zwickau to make known to English readers of his work on local anesthesia certain changes in technic that have been evolved in his service. The request comes, no doubt, because I was responsible for the translation into English. In the book, the method for paravertebral anesthesia used for producing anesthesia of the neck has proved to be dangerous and therefore inapplicable. Another method suitable for all operations in the anterior and lateral triangles of the neck has been substituted for it. In an operation on the larynx, an additional injection is made in the thyrohyoid ligament in order to block the superior laryngeal nerve. The following is the technic of local anesthesia in operations in the neck described by Prof. Dr. D. Kulenkampff (Zentralbl. f. Chir.48:1262 [No. 35] Sept. 3, 1921).Hartel and Geiger showed how