Powdered metal fuel rocket engines, utilizing high energy density metal powder as fuel, have great potential in the development of propulsion systems for upper-stage rockets, and thrusters for attitude or trajectory control. The main challenges of this rocket engine technology currently lie in the realization of stable powder fuel supply, quick engine start-up, and high combustion efficiency. In this paper, we present a computational analysis of the reactive flow in a Mg/N2O powdered metal fuel rocket engine. Consideration in this work includes effects of a flame holder, mass flow rate ratio and entry angle of N2O on combustion efficiency. Based on the numerical simulation results, an experimental Mg/N2O powdered metal fuel rocket engine was designed, and working processes of the engine were investigated through hot fire tests with Mg powder as fuel and N2O as oxidant. A ground test system, consisting of a high-precision test bench, a fuel feed unit, an oxidant feed unit, and a measurement and control unit, was established. The test results show that the combustion of Mg powder and N2O can be sustained.
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