INTRODUCTION (Dr. P. Ganguly)A workshop on von Willebrand factor (vWf) andThrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) was orga-nized by the Division of Blood Diseases and Resourcesof the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute(NHLBI) and was held on July 31, 2000 at the Lister HillAuditorium on the National Institutes of Health campus.TTP is a difficult disease with a high mortality and treat-ment options are limited to plasma transfusion or ex-change. The objective of the workshop was to review thecurrent understanding of the pathogenesis of TTP and tostimulate new research and clinical advances.The agenda of the workshop was broadly divided intothree parts. The first group of lectures addressed the fun-damental aspects of vWf molecular structure, vWf bio-synthesis, vWf-platelet interactions, classification ofmetalloproteases, and general principles of antibody for-mation.The second group of presentations discussed the dys-function of the vWf-cleaving metalloprotease in TTP pa-tients, the specificity of this observation and correlationwith disease status, assay of the vWf-cleaving metallo-protease, and development of an autoantibody in somepatients with acute idiopathic TTP. The third session fo-cused on the management of patients with TTP and thehemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), and the possible roleof vWf in these conditions. In the following text, theWorkshop speakers on each topic are identified.VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR: SYNTHESIS,STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (Drs. E. Sadler,D. Wagner, and Z. Ruggeri)The vWf gene is located on chromosome 12. The pri-mary translation product includes a large 741 amino acidpropeptide sequence located at the N-terminal end of themolecule.In the endoplasmic reticulum, pro-vWf dimers areformed by disulfide bonding between “cystine knots” atthe C-terminal ends of pro-vWf molecules. The pro-vWfdimers then polymerize (multimerize) by the formationof additional disulfide bonds at the N-terminal ends ofthe pro-vWf dimers. The propeptide may function as adisulfide isomerase to promote this multimerization ofpro-vWf dimers in the acidic environment of the trans-Golgi network. After multimerization, the propeptidesare removed by intra-cellular proteolysis. The multimersof mature vWf subunits are then further modified byglycosylation and sulfation. The largest vWf multimersproduced by this complicated synthetic machinery maycontain more than 40 subunits, and exceed 20 millionDaltons in molecular mass. The completed vWf multi-mers, along with the previously removed propeptide mol-ecules, are either secreted constitutively or stored in theWeibel-Palade bodies of endothelial cells (and thea-granules of megakaryocytes and platelets). It is fromthe Weibel-Palade bodies that the most biologically ac-tive large and unusually large vWf multimers are re-leased when endothelial cells are stimulated.vWf mediates the adhesion of platelets to sites of vas-cular damage and, as the carrier protein for blood clottingfactor VIII, is required for normal factor VIII survival inthe circulation. The binding site for factor VIII on vWfmultimers is located near the N-terminal regions of ma-ture vWf subunits. Each vWf subunit consists of 2,050amino acids organized into separate domains with differ-ent structures and functions. The critical binding site forplatelet glycoprotein(GP) Iba, for example, is containedwithin domain A1. Other domains encode binding sitesfor collagen and a binding site for platelet GP IIb-IIIacomplexes (integrin aIIbb3). This latter binding site con-tains the amino acid sequence Arg-Gly-Asp (a sequencethat also enables fibrinogen and fibronectin to bind GPIIb-lIIa).