Developed to achieve the balancing of three-phase loads and improve their power factor, the BCC (Balancing Capacitive Compensator) is presented in this paper as having a broader capability, namely that of balancing the two-way power flow. BCCs are becoming useful in today’s distribution networks with a high content of DERs (Distributed Energy Resources), where unbalanced power transfers to the higher voltage network occur more and more frequently as a result of the excess power generated. The article contains a case study in which, by means of Matlab-Simulink 2021 modelling, such a network is studied by considering two regimes corresponding to the two-way power flow. The numerical analysis of phase components and sequence components confirms the validity of the mathematical model concerning the BCC and also for the case of changing the way of power flow in the section controlled by the compensator. This demonstrates the possibility of extending the load balancing function of the BCC to that of balancing the two-way power flow and is an additional argument in support of replacing, in the more or less near future, conventional shunt capacitive compensators with capacitive balancing compensators.
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