One of the principal problems in designing powerful liquid-fuel rocket engines (LRE) is how to protect the nozzle walls from heat fluxes, which in the region of the throat may reach tens of MW/m 2. The investigation of the processes in the nozzle wall zone is a problem of turbulent boundary layer theory under extreme conditions (with respect to temperature, velocity and pressure) in the external flow. The methods of calculating the turbulent boundary layer in a supersonic flow, as they existed in 1978, are reviewed in [1]. In[2] methods of calculating the boundary layer in LRE nozzles are described. Of these the best known among engineers are the methods of Avduevskii [3] and levlev [4]. These are integral methods, i.e., they are based on the use of integral momentum and energy relations closed by the algebraic relations for the friction coefficient, the form parameter and the Stanton number. Differential methods of calculating the supersonic boundary layer are also reviewed in [1]. Study [5] is a concrete example of nozzle boundary layer calculations using the transport equation for the turbulent viscosity. The above-mentioned studies relate to the case of so-called external cooling of the LRE nozzle walls. To reduce the high heat fluxes the walls are film-cooled by feeding the fuel through tangential slits [2]. Integral methods of calculating the film cooling of nozzle walls are reviewed in [6]. Differential models of turbulence have been used for calculating plane wall jets in supersonic [7] and subsonic [81 flows. These calculations were made in order to check the applicability of the models by comparison with experiment. Our aim is to calculate the boundary layer in a LRE nozzle using the three-parameter differential model of turbulence developed in [9] and extended to flow with heat transfer in [10], which has been comprehensively tested over a broad range of problems of flow and heat transfer in boundary layers and channels [11].
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