ABSTRACT Here we show how to produce a three-dimensional density field with a given set of higher order correlation functions. Our algorithm enables producing any desired two-, three-, and four-point functions, including odd parity for the last ones. We note that this algorithm produces the desired correlations around a set of ‘primary’ points, matched to how the spherical-harmonic-based algorithms ENCORE and CADENZA measure them. These ‘primary points’ must be used as those around which the correlation functions are measured. We also generalize the algorithm to (i) N-point correlations with $N\ \gt\ 4$, (ii) dimensions other than three, and (iii) beyond scalar quantities. This algorithm should find use in verifying analysis pipelines for higher order statistics in upcoming galaxy redshift surveys, such as Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), Euclid, Roman, and Spherex, as well as intensity mapping. In particular, it may be helpful in searches for parity violation in the four-point correlation function of these samples, for which producing initial conditions for N-body simulations is both costly and highly model dependent at present, and so alternative methods, such as that developed here, are desirable.
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