The highly specific proteolytic breakdown observed upon prolonged treatment of pea legumin and pea and jack bean vicilin with a thiol endopeptidase purified from mature lupin seeds has been studied in detail. Proteolytic cleavage occurred in the acidic subunits of pea legumin, whereas the basic subunits were unaffected. Jack bean vicilin ( M, 47 K) was cleaved near the middle of the polypeptide chain, whereas pea vicilin ( M, 50 K) was cleaved into two fragments of M, 30 K and 20 K, respectively. The 30 K M, polypeptide chain contained covalently linked carbohydrate and had an N-terminal sequence suggesting that cleavage had taken place between the α and β region of the vicilin 50 K M, polypeptide as previously described in vivo. These results suggested that the cleavage specificity of lupin endopeptidase was in the proximity of paired arginine amino acid residues. The changes in the vicilin polypeptides due to proteolytic cleavage by lupin enzyme and those occurring during germination of pea seeds are also reported and discussed.
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