The effects of thickness extension mode resonance oscillation (TERO) of acoustic waves on ethanol decomposition over thin AgAu binary alloy film catalysts were studied. TERO enhanced the activity of the alloy catalysts for both ethylene and acetaldehyde production. The activation for ethylene production by TERO was nearly independent of alloy composition, whereas that for acetaldehyde production exhibited a maximum at around 80% surface Au content. The effects of TERO on the alloy were intrinsically different from those on an Ag metal catalyst, in which TERO-induced activation occurred only for ethylene production. Doppler measurements showed that vertical lattice displacement caused by the TERO became the smallest at an alloy composition of 80% surface Au content and demonstrated that the TERO effects on acetaldehyde production over the AgAu binary alloy catalysts increased significantly in the case where Ag-Au atom interactions became strong. A mechanism of the alloy activation by TERO is discussed.
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