A locally improvised poultry house built with pure local material called bamboo and covered with dried treated grasses (roof) known as sana which housed 300 laying birds was built near 20m X 20m earthen fish pond with an underground spring water as source of intake with a flow through system and stocked with an improved catfish clarias geripinus juveniles 2000 in number. The floor of the poultry house was cemented to prevent leakages of water and permanently coveted with thick nylon white rubber and layer were placed at high level above the floor on top of bamboo tree having gaps in between them. The usage of these gaps created was to allow layers (chicken) dropping directly on the rubber which eventually served as breeding places for maggot. The maggot was collected washed thoroughly and processed to serve as feed to the fishes. The processed maggot reduces about 40% of total cost of feed in raising the fishes. The birds produced 70piecers of eggs per day 7½ crates and a crate is sold for N2,700 per crate. The fishes were harvested after six (6) months of stocking with a total piece of 1,680 with an average of 800g (1344kg) and is sold at N1500 per kg. The revenue realized took care of both capital and recurrent cost with a working force of three (3) people. The experiment contribute significantly (P<0.05) in reducing the level of poverty and also contribute to food security, transformation agenda of Federal government of Nigeria.
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