To determine whether prenatal thiamine deficiency, a frequent concomitant of alcoholism, reduces the response to ethanol during adulthood in the rat as does ethanol exposure in utero (Abel et al. 1981), pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats received either control or thiamine deficient diets together with daily injections of the thiamine antagonist pyrithiamine. At 7 months of age, male offspring were exposed to precisely regulated ethanol vapor concentrations in an inhalation chamber for 24 h and blood ethanol concentrations (BECs) and ethanol-induced intoxication were determined. Prenatally thiamine deficient rats and controls were indistinguishable in terms of appearance, body and liver weights, and the ratios of liver to body weight and brain to liver weight. However, total body water was significantly greater, and BECs and behavioral impairment were decreased, in the experimental rats. These findings indicate that prenatal thiamine deprivation is associated with reduced pharmacologic effect of ethanol as a result of increases in its volume of distribution and rate of metabolism.