Biophytomodulators are equipment formed of liquid crystals, which can be found in the organs of the plants. The combinations between these cryst als assure a large oscillations way transporting en ergy upon the subject. The issue of protecting the living world, against b ad effects produced by the exposure to electromagne tic fields subscribes in European Recommendation 1999/519/CE, which contains precaution principle in the European Union Treat (Art. 130 R Malstrich - 7 feb. 1992). Our experiments belong to the fundamental research, referring to the exposure of animal blood to intense electric fields, following the sediment speed, and also the protection methods by using phyto-byo-dynamic devices (vegetal lasers - Ancu-Dinca). It is known that the blood as a dynamic tissue par ticipate by its plasmatic and cell compounds to form and adjust the main function of t he organism, assuring the unitary character maintained homeostasis. By the major physiological role of blood tissue we take into account: gases and substances transport (different nutrients, O 2, CO 2, ions, acids, bases, cofactors, hormones, vitamins, pigments, minerals, water); immunity prot ection (cells by leukocytes phagocytes activity and humeral) by transporting immunological proteins specific and non-specific - antibodies); homeostasis ensurrement by physic and cell mechanisms); homeostasis maintaining (the constant pH, ionic concentration, osmolarity, temperature, circular nutrient, vascular integrity). In organism, the blood has the following function: nutrient, respiratory, excretory, circulatory and maintaining the hydro-electrolytic and acid-basic equilibrium, of thermo regulation, by protection, humeral coordination and ensurement of organism unity.
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