The purpose of this study is to compare the shear bond strength of repaired composite resin with different bonding agents and evaluate the effect of bonding agents on composite repair strength. Forty composite specimens (Z-250) were prepared and aged for 1 week by thermo cycling between 5 and with a dwell time of 30s. After air abrasion with aluminum oxide, following different bonding agents were applied (n = 10); SB group: Scotchbond multipurpose adhesive (3 step Total-Etch system); XE group: Clearfil SE bond (2 step Self-Etch system); XP group: XP bond (2 step Total-Etch system); XE group: Xeno III (1 step Self-Etch system). After bonding procedure was completed, new composite resin (Z-250) was applied to the mold and cured. For control group. 10 specimens were prepared. Seven days after repair, shear bond strength was measured. Data was statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (p S.D.) per group were as follows: SB group: 17.06; SE group: 19.10; XP group: 14.44; XE group: 13.57; Control Group: 19.40. No significant difference found in each group. Within the limit of this study, it was concluded that the different type of bonding system was not affect on the shear bond strength of repaired composite resin.