Superhard B6O [1] is the most extensively studied boron suboxide [2]. However, there are no data in the literature on its melting temperature. According to [3], at atmospheric pressure B6O decomposes into boron and oxygen even at temperatures of the order of 2000 K, therefore, the congruent melting of this phase can evidently be observed at high pressures only. In the present study, the diffraction with synchrotron radiation was used to define the B6O melting temperature in the pressure range from 4 to 6 GPa. B6O was synthesized by the interaction of high purity amorphous boron (99.99%, Alfa) and B2O3 (99.999%, Aldrich Chem. Co.) taken in the stoichiometric ratio at 5 GPa and 2100 K following the procedure [4]. According to the X ray analysis, the resultant product was crystalline B6O (R⎯3m, a = 5.366 A, c = 12.331 A) that contained no impurities of foreign phases. Experiments on melting B6O at high pressures and temperatures were carried out in a MAX80 multianvil apparatus [5]. The diffraction patterns were taken in situ by the energy dispersive X ray diffractometry (θ = 4.558±0.002°) at the F2.1 beamline of the Doris III storage ring (HASYLAB DESY). The temperature calibration in the range from 800 to 2200 K was performed using Pt90/Rh10–Pt and W75/Re25–W97/Re3 thermocouples without correction for the pressure effect on the thermoelectromotive force. The cali bration curve obtained was linearly extrapolated to the high temperature region up to 2800 K. The pressure in the cell at dif ferent temperatures was defined using the p, V, T equation of state of highly ordered graphite like hexagonal boron nitride [6]. To isolate the sample from a graphite heater, a capsule of pyrolytic graphite was employed. At 5.8 GPa the disappearance of B6O lines was observed in the range from 2670 to 2750 K (figure), which was accompanied by the appearance of a characteristic diffuse halo. This has allowed us to assess the melting temperature of boron suboxide at 2710±40 K, which is higher than the melting temperature at this pressure of β rhombohedral boron by 250 K [7]. The cool ing of the melt to about 2100 K at a rate of ~ 10 K/s was accom panied by the crystallization of B6O as evidenced by the appear ance of the 104 and 021 lines of this phase in the diffraction spectra (see figure). At 4.3 GPa the melting of B6O was observed at temperatures of about 2620 K, which points to a positive slope (~ 60 K/GPa) of the melting curve in the pressure range from 4 to 6 GPa. The authors thank O.O. Kurakevych and V.Z. Turkevich for their participation in discussions of the results and acknowledge the financial support of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (grant NT05 3_42601) and NATO (CLG # 981851). 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 00 6 02 1 10 4 10 1 01 2 00 3 10 1 2090 K
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